Accueil > France > Volontaires accueili-e-s en France > Service civique international
Publié le jeudi 7 novembre 2019
So here I am, another 8 month of Service Civique in Nantes, France with Cemea.
I finished my EVS in September 2019 I went back to Palestine, saw my family, friends, home again after 11 months away. I was still motivated, excited and curious about the French language, cultures, voluntary Service, formation ..etc
So that why I decided to have more time in France as S.C.I.
I reached in the second of october 2019 Cemea, being aware mostly of everything and I speak french now so am kind of in the mood, and I started the week after the Formation Bafa as formateur ( idk what it means in English) and yeah it was really interesting experience, Hard work a little bit but this is the point this is what make it so interesting and useful.
So I will be here for 8 month and am sure it will be full of experience I will use it for my future.