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Volontaires Palestine 2019 - 2020

  • Beginning without end
  • Time to try
  • Beginning without end
  • Beginning without end
    • 6
    • avr.
    • 2020

    Volontariat en Palestine

    J’ai fait un service civique de 6 mois en Palestine à Naplouse. Naplouse est l’une des principales villes de Cisjordanie, située à environ 50 km au nord de Jérusalem. Elle compte près de 170 000 habitants. Naplouse c’est la ville du fameux Knafeh, une pâtisserie réalisée à base de sucre (kadaf), de fromage et de beurre. On peut retrouver de nombreux marchés « souks » de fruits et légumes, pâtisseries et objets artisanaux. C’est une ville où l’on se sent vraiment dans l’orient (Liban, Syrie…) avec les (...)
    • 1er
    • oct.
    • 2019

    Time to try

    My name is Amro, a Palestinian volunteer in HSA in Nablus city, a new volunteer in Cemea pay de la Loire association in Nantes. I am going to tell you my first experience of travelling and being outside my home. Ever since I started to study English Language and literature for foreign learners in a local university, I wished to get a scholarship to be in a foreign country to experience new and strange habits, which will give me a new idea about being outside my comfort zone in Palestine. (...)
    • 1er
    • oct.
    • 2019

    Beginning without end

    Dancer & Volunteer l started this trip when l was 13 and now I am 19 years old. I am from Palestine, I am a Volunteer in many Palestinian associations but one of Associations is different for me, my second home called H.S.A. They support me in a lot of thinks about Volunteer activities, dance space, leadership experience, and exchange culture. Hi. Now I am writing this letter to people who love to travel and volunteer, it is very beautiful and calm and active I am talking about France (...)
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